You get to be a certain age and you accumulate a lot of STUFF.. No matter how many things you give to children, grandchildren,charity,etc you still have much stuff.. I was never particularly a jewelry person, but I loved to collect certain types of art and other stuff.. For years I collected blown glass from a gallery in Dallas called Kittrell/Riffkind.. I started shopping with them when they were located in Olla Podrida in the 70"s and continued through 2011 when they were located in…
ContinueAdded by Kay Thompson Fields on August 9, 2013 at 4:03pm — No Comments
Sometimes stereotyping reflects a prejudice..Other times it is just plain true...Tennessee locals look different than Texans...Not in a particularly good way.. Let us just say"hybrid vigor"is lacking...I forget this until I have a day where it becomes really obvious..Wednesday I was mall walking in the late afternoon.. Completely rethink the concept of mall.. I was in Morristown, Tennessee which is about 15 miles from Dandridge..The high end store in this mall is Belk.. They have a Bath and…
ContinueAdded by Kay Thompson Fields on August 9, 2013 at 2:48pm — No Comments
In 1970 I lived in Mesa,Arizona with my ex husband and 3 year old daughter.. I was the wife of an Air Force pilot just back from flying fighters in Vietnam.. He was going to be an instructor pilot at Williams AFB.. Shortly after we moved I met a woman who had a boy 2 days younger than my daughter..She lived down the street and was also an Air Force wife.. We became best buds..It was the most idyllic 3 years of my life.. Of course a lot had to do with my age and the age we lived in...Never…
ContinueAdded by Kay Thompson Fields on August 4, 2013 at 1:39pm — No Comments
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AHHS63 is a Social Network for the Arlington Heights High School Class of 1963 in Fort Worth, TX. We are currently planning our 50th High School Reunion. Visitors are welcome to browse our Public Pages and members of the AHHS Graduating Class of 1963 are invited to join.
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