I breathe.. I write..Deep in the Night.. Where the cat on the hot tin roof is no longer so aloof..In that particular movie, Mendacity is my new favorite word.. Can Mendacity be a verb or a dangling participle favored by a crippled society? paul Newman drinks until the noise in his head is DEAD.. Elizabeth Taylor flounces about like a brook trout hooked by a big Crook.. Burl Ives lived how many lives? In this old time flick Paul is my hero.. He alone knows where  the  wild goose goes.. Paul never had the unique pleasure of watching the newish flick Eight Mile which is sort of my style .. He and Eminem were real men

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Our 70th birthday party for the AHHS class of 1963 will be held at Angelos Barbecue Saturday, June 6 at 6 pm.  People will need to RSVP to lindarbagby@gmail.com.  This is a new email for the purpose of this birthday celebration.
Hope you all can make plans to come and celebrate.
Linda Bagby Freer


To receive an 80 minute Reunion DVD for $33.95 from Raines Video Productions call 1-800-654-8277 to charge it visa/mc.

Photographer's photos for Saturday night at AHHS can be viewed here:


Password: AHHS1963

AHHS63 is a Social Network for the Arlington Heights High School  Class of 1963 in Fort Worth, TX.  We are currently planning our 50th High School Reunion.  Visitors are welcome to browse our Public Pages and members of the AHHS Graduating Class of 1963 are invited to join.

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