A Little Ditty Scribbled While Waiting for the Movie to Start

One woman is 46.....The other 68...What seems to be the connection on said Reflection?.. Let"s analyze this equation.. 22 years separate these two... Few enough for there to exist,common ground, a familiar Sound...Thread of insight perhaps.. Even a Shared plight.or Bonding fright.. Nay,Nay good fellow.. All the King"s horses and all the golden geese untangling Jason"s fleece would never deduce,not a single Goose laying a magical egg would conclude these two share an interlude, DNA and skin... But are they truly Kin?To be nice and precise... One of the women paid a high price to deliver a daughter.. Slaughterhouse Five,A Lost Tribe, Little Women, Lord of the Flies, Reach for the Sky, Call of the Wild, Motherless Child, The Sun Also Rises.. Drama in many Guises and Disguises....Mother and Daughter... A universal Theme..Sacrifice,strife unconditional love in a velvet glove covering an Iron fist...Dramatic tension casting us into a different dimension.. Silence is Golden as they say. No more words this Fine day

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Birthdays Tomorrow

AHHS63 is a social network


Our 70th birthday party for the AHHS class of 1963 will be held at Angelos Barbecue Saturday, June 6 at 6 pm.  People will need to RSVP to lindarbagby@gmail.com.  This is a new email for the purpose of this birthday celebration.
Hope you all can make plans to come and celebrate.
Linda Bagby Freer


To receive an 80 minute Reunion DVD for $33.95 from Raines Video Productions call 1-800-654-8277 to charge it visa/mc.

Photographer's photos for Saturday night at AHHS can be viewed here:


Password: AHHS1963

AHHS63 is a Social Network for the Arlington Heights High School  Class of 1963 in Fort Worth, TX.  We are currently planning our 50th High School Reunion.  Visitors are welcome to browse our Public Pages and members of the AHHS Graduating Class of 1963 are invited to join.

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